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With Electromagnetic & RF Energy

No matter how much you exercise or diet, it can be hard to shift stubborn pockets of fat or build muscle in certain areas. For many people, this can lower confidence and destroy motivation. FREMONT® provides the ideal treatment for people following a healthy diet and wanting to banish unwanted fat from a targeted area as well as build muscle.

FREMONT® is a non-surgical procedure, which works by heating stubborn fat cells so they can be naturally expelled by your body as well as stimulating and contracting muscle fibres. When incorporated alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle, FREMONT® is the perfect treatment for removing fat permanently whilst gaining muscle in those stubborn areas.

The key benefits of FREMONT®

For those who are looking to permanently remove stubborn fat from a particular area, FREMONT® offers numerous benefits:

No recovery times

Unlike invasive, surgical fat loss procedures, such as liposuction, there is no downtime or recovery needed after FREMONT®. This means patient can have the procedure and return to your regular work or home life straight after.

Removes stubborn fat

No matter how much you exercise, it’s impossible to target fat loss in certain areas. This means your stomach and inner thigh fat could still remain, even after you have reached your goal weight. However, FREMONT® can eradicate stubborn fat and reduce fat in specific areas, helping you to sculpt your body and gain the rewards of your hard work.

Permanent results

Once unwanted fat cells have been through apoptosis and broken down by the body they cannot return, meaning patient can look forward to a more sculpted and toned body permanently. If you follow the procedure with exercise and a healthy diet, then you can stop new cells from forming and returning to these stubborn areas.

A non-surgical, non-invasive procedure

FREMONT® is the ideal fat reduction and muscle building treatment for those who want to avoid surgery and more invasive procedures. The FREMONT® treatment process destroys fat cells without the need for surgery, injections, scarring, or incisions. With FREMONT®, there is no need for general anaesthetic, so patient can stay awake during the treatment and drive herself home afterwards. The procedure itself is also painless, but some people report feeling slightly sore as if they had done an intense workout.

Tailored treatment

Everybody is unique and each person struggles to lose weight in different areas. FREMONT® can be tailored to each person and the treatment can be targeted in the areas in which patient like to see results. Patient can discuss which areas she wishes to target during her initial consultation and her consultant will discuss the number of treatments she may need and the results she can expect to see.

Treat several areas

FREMONT® can be used on 9 different areas. This means it can be target fat and muscle on the abdomen, arms, or thighs. It can even be used on buttocks if you wish to get a non-surgical butt lift!

Boost self-confidence

One of the biggest benefits of FREMONT® is a boost to self-confidence. FREMONT® allows you to shape your figure by targeting areas that diet and exercise couldn’t reach before.

FREMONT® vs Liposuction

They may both be permanent fat loss treatments but liposuction and FREMONT® are very different procedures.




Recovery Time FREMONT® is a non-invasive procedure which means recovery time is minimal and patient will be able to return to normal activities straight after the procedure. As an invasive procedure, the recovery time for liposuction is around four weeks. It can then take months for the swelling to go down and results to be visible.
Number of treatments The number of treatments required for FREMONT® is four sessions, one every week for 4 weeks. Liposuction requires one treatment which typically takes around two hours.
How long do results last? FREMONT® removes fat cells permanently so results are permanent. However, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle after the procedure in order to prevent new fat cells from forming. Results are permanent as fat cells are permanently removed.
Amount of fat removed FREMONT® eliminates up to 30% of fat cells in the targeted areas. Up to 5 litres of fat can be removed from the targeted areas. More than this is considered unsafe.
Risks & side effects Slight aching as if you’d done an intense workout Irregularities in skin shape & skin discoloration. Build-up of fluid that may need to be drained. Numbness. Skin infections
Rare side effects None. Fat embolism (a clot that travels into the bloodstream, lungs, or brain) Kidney or heart problems Complications associated with anaesthesia


Is FREMONT® right for you?

FREMONT® is an effective fat loss and muscle building treatment but it is not suitable for everyone. FREMONT® treatment is not advised for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or women who are trying to become pregnant.

Because the FREMONT® machine uses Electromagnetic technology, patients with implanted medical devices or metal pieces (such as a pacemaker, screws, or plates) should not undergo this treatment. FREMONT® is also not recommended for women who have a metal-based IUD (intrauterine device), such as a copper IUD.

While FREMONT® may help to shape your figure after post-pregnancy weight loss, it won’t get rid of sagging or loose skin around the abdomen.

FREMONT® is not a weight loss treatment and should be used in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle. The treatment is not intended for new starters with a lot of weight to lose and should instead be viewed as a final treatment for those wishing to sculpt their figure after reaching their ideal weight to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat and build on the muscle they have gained.

After the procedure, you should consume a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle in order to prevent new fat cells from forming.


FREMONT® Frequently Asked Questions


What is FREMONT®?

FREMONT® is a revolutionary technology that builds muscle and reduces fat. It’s an innovative way to contour your body by stimulating muscle contractions with no surgery or downtime. FREMONT®   effectively build muscle, improve muscle tone and increase strength. Treatment areas currently include the abdomen and buttocks.1

Who Can Benefit from FREMONT®?

FREMONT® is the ideal treatment for anyone looking to build muscle and reduce fat to get defined abs or a non-invasive booty lift. If you are frustrated by fad exercises or long hours in the gym and feel like you could use some help achieving your desired results, FREMONT® is the perfect solution for you.


What Does FREMONT® Treatment FEEL like?

The FREMONT® procedure feels like an intensive workout of muscles in the target area being treated. The variable level is increased by the Doctor during the course of the treatment based on your feedback. The level is gradually increased over the series of treatments. You can lay down, relax, watch TV and talk during the treatment. Use of portable electronic devices is not recommended since proximity to the FREMONT® applicator may cause damage to delicate electronics.


What’s Different with FREMONT®?

FREMONT® uses High Intensity Electro Magnetic energy and adds Radio Frequency (RF) as well. This is a revolutionary innovation for the body sculpting industry. So, FREMONT® is a device to combine Electromagnetic energy and RF energy into a single treatment. Adding RF energy to each treatment allows for up to 30% decrease in fat in the treated area.


How Does FREMONT® Work?

FREMONT® uses sophisticated technology to simultaneously emit electromagnetic energy with RF energy. These combined energies provide a synergistic effect, producing better results in a single treatment than would be individually produced through separate treatments.

The addition of RF to the FREMONT® treatment optimizes fat reduction. As with the original treatment, FREMONT® delivers unprecedented muscle development using Electromagnetic energy. The energy passes safely through the skin to stimulate supramaximal contractions in the underlying muscle. The muscle contractions are far more powerful than a person can induce on their own through exercise. More than 20,000 contractions are induced through each treatment. Just as with exercise, the contractions press the body to adapt by strengthening existing muscle fibres and creating new muscle cells.

Before inducing the contractions, the RF energy heats underlying tissue. This warms the muscle up in preparation for the contractions. The RF technology adds a synergistic effect to the muscle building while also triggering lipolysis: the death of fat cells. Thermal energy via RF disrupts the fat cells. The lymphatic system collects the destroyed fat cells and processes them out of the body as waste. The fat cells cannot grow back after they are removed from the body. The fat cells are gone for good, producing long-lasting results.


How Fast Will I See Results?

Tangible results are felt right after the treatment, similar to an intensive work out of the target area muscles. Positive visible results for muscle toning are usually seen two to four weeks after the last session in the series of treatments. Positive visible results of fat reduction are usually seen 8-12 weeks after treatment. The underlying muscles require time to adapt and strengthen. Fat cells that are destroyed through apoptosis during the series of treatments are gradually and naturally eliminated by the body. Visible results continue to improve for weeks to months after the treatment series.


How Many FREMONT® Treatments are Needed to See Results?

The number of treatments required is dependent on your desired results and where you are starting in terms of muscle tone and undesirable fat. One series of FREMONT® treatment will increase muscle up to 25% and reduce fat by up to 30% in the treated area. Many people are pleased with the results of just one series of FREMONT® treatment. Some people feel that they need more than one series of treatment to achieve their desired results.


How Long Does the FREMONT® Treatment Take?

The FREMONT® treatment will take about 30 minutes. Some people may elect to have additional treatments performed. Since FREMONT® is non-surgical and non-invasive, there is no downtime. You could schedule a treatment for your lunch break and return to work immediately after. Normal physical activities can be resumed immediately after your FREMONT®.


Is Any Pre/Post Treatment Preparation Required?

No. FREMONT® is non-invasive and requires no pre or post treatment preparation.


Can FREMONT® Tighten Loose Skin?

FREMONT® is highly effective for building muscle and reducing fat – up to 25% muscle mass increase and 30% fat reduction per series of treatments – on the abdomen. FREMONT® may result in some skin tightening in the treated area. However, FREMONT® is not a skin tightening treatment.


Is There Any Pain or Discomfort?

While pain and discomfort are relative and experiences will vary, FREMONT® involves minimal discomfort, if any. During the procedure, you will feel muscles contract with the treatment level gradually increased by the Doctor. After treatment, you will feel like your muscles have been worked. Any such feelings will be short-lived.


Can I Undergo a FREMONT® Treatment While Pregnant?

FREMONT® has helped many people build muscle and reduce excess fat. However, the procedure is not recommended for everyone. Prior to or after a pregnancy, FREMONT® has no negative impact on women. However, pregnant women are advised not to undergo a FREMONT® treatment on any part of their body.


Are There Other Contraindicated Medical Conditions for FREMONT®?

FREMONT® treatment is not recommended in some circumstances due to the electromagnetic effects of the treatment. FREMONT® isn’t an appropriate choice if you:

  • Have implanted metal, a pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator near the treatment site.
  • Have cardiac issues or a history of seizures.
  • Have a hernia or have had recent surgery near the treatment site.


Power 5000 Watts
Intensity 0 - 7 Tesla
Voltage 220 50/60 Hz
Frequency  1-150 Hz
Technology High Intensity Electromagnetic Waves & RF
Treatment Area Body, Arms Legs, Abdomen Hips
Muscle Building 0.2 Hz - 10 KHz
Screen 18 inch Touch Screen
Working Mode HI - EMT Muscle Building Stimulation
Package Size 76 X 57 X 122 Cm 
Muscle Contraction  >30,000 times ( 30 mt ) 
Cooling System Air Cooling
Function  Fat Removal, Muscle Building, Buttocks Toning , Body Contouring & Shaping